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Kent State Fashion adopts CREATE PLUS for innovative learning


Fashion education gets a high-tech boost at Kent State University's School of Fashion, where students are weaving the future with cutting-edge software and machinery. CREATE PLUS, an innovative knitting programming solution from STOLL, is transforming the learning experience, offering both creativity and efficiency.

This top US fashion school boasts over 1600 students, nurturing their talent through a focus on real-world skills and practical experience. Internships are woven into the curriculum, and unique resources like the Knit LAB provide hands-on learning with industrial knitting machines.

The Knit LAB isn't just about mastering needles and yarn; it's a gateway to the digital side of knitting. Since 2015, students have been delving into the world of programming, with M1plus and now, the increasingly popular CREATE PLUS, taking center stage. Today, 20 dedicated workstations hum with the activity of future fashion pioneers coding their creations.

Linda Ohrn-McDaniel, a CREATE PLUS advocate, appreciates the software's versatility. "One day we're designing sweaters, the next we're collaborating with architects or medical researchers," she says, highlighting the machine's adaptability. "CREATE PLUS lets us seamlessly switch between projects, and its clear visualization helps students grasp the intricate relationship between code and fabric."

Ohrn-McDaniel has witnessed firsthand the shift from M1plus to CREATE PLUS. "While M1plus laid the groundwork, CREATE PLUS feels more user-friendly," she observes. "Students pick it up quicker, which is why we primarily use it now."

But CREATE PLUS isn't just about ease of use. Its virtual pattern and prototype creation capabilities open doors to a world of 3D garment development. Students leverage their existing CLO skills to import patterns into CREATE PLUS and export them back for a complete virtual garment experience.

However, Ohrn-McDaniel emphasizes the importance of understanding the fundamentals. "We deliberately avoid shortcut tools," she explains. "Our focus is on building knowledge from the ground up, starting with manual techniques and progressing to more efficient methods as understanding deepens."

Kent State University's School of Fashion is setting the pace for a future where fashion and technology are seamlessly intertwined. By embracing CREATE PLUS, they're equipping their students with the skills and tools to not only design the clothes of tomorrow, but also code them into existence.



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