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Jeanologia develops laser scraper

Jeanologia has been continuously creating new technologies which help the industry in its eco sustainable initiative. One of the company’s latest developments is the light scraper. This is a new generation laser which creates effect on garments and designs patterns of the fabrics. The laser can create yarn effects on denim garment which seem to originate from the fabric structure.

For instance, if a normal OE denim fabric has been used to create a garment, then the light scraper can create different yarn patterns on the garment to give the looks like ring slub, cross hatch, multi count etc. So instead of just giving a washed look to the garment, the laser will also change the look of fabric structure, giving more options to manufacturers to design their garments and create value addition.

This is a new technology which can create hand sanding or a scraping look in the fabric. It is a complete revolution because from one fabric it is possible to have the look of several fabrics and for the first time the human hand can be eliminated completely.

Jeanologia has concentrated on five different kind of slub looks initially to be created on the garment.


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