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SAC launches Higg Design module

The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) has launched the Higg Design and Development Module (DDM). The module empowers product designers and developers to make sustainable choices at the earliest stage of apparel, footwear and textile prototype design.

The data collected through the Higg DDM, which replaces Higg’s Beta Rapid Design Module, helps steer them toward selecting lower impact materials, using more efficient construction techniques, and considering the complete life cycle of the product.

After completing a simple product assessment, the Higg DDM provides members with a single design score, making it easy to compare design concepts and make quick decisions before production. The Higg DDM provides useful benchmarking and analytics that allow users to compare products or defined groups of products to each other, to company averages, and to industry averages. Using the Higg DDM encourages continuous improvement by teaching designers and developers where they have the most control over the impact, and by giving rapid feedback on how to improve their score.

Designers have the most freedom to minimize eventual environmental impacts of the finished product at the earliest stage of the design process. Sustainable Apparel Coalition is a global industry coalition that is standardizing social and environmental sustainability performance measurement.


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