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Canifa's app conversion jumps 54 per cent with CleverTap


Leading Vietnamese fashion brand, Canifa, has seen a remarkable 54 per cent jump in app conversion rates following the implementation of CleverTap, an all-in-one engagement platform. With over 100 physical outlets and a robust online presence, Canifa aimed to enhance customer journeys, particularly in their mobile application shopping experience. Previous tools used by Canifa led to data silos, hindering real-time personalization, posing a challenge in winning over tech-savvy consumers in Vietnam's competitive fashion market.

CleverTap's integrated approach resolved these issues by unifying data sources, enabling Canifa to create detailed customer profiles and glean granular insights into preferences. Leveraging various engagement channels such as SMS, Push Notifications, and In-App messages, CleverTap ensured consistent user interaction, crucial for establishing top-of-mind recall.

The benefits reaped post-CleverTap implementation are significant:

1. 7 per cent increase in revenue per user over a 60-day period

2. 7 per cent increase in retention over a 60-day period

3. 50 per cent surge in conversion rate month-over-month

4. 4 per cent increase in stickiness over a 60-day period

5. 20 per cent rise in retention rate

6. Notably, a staggering 54 per cent boost in app conversion rate

Hoang Quoc Khanh, MarTech Expert at Canifa, praised CleverTap for enabling personalized experiences at scale, resulting in unprecedented growth. Sidharth Pisharoti, Chief Revenue Officer at CleverTap, emphasized the platform's ability to positively impact business outcomes, citing Canifa's impressive revenue increase as a testament.

CleverTap, renowned for its AI-driven capabilities, offers a comprehensive engagement solution trusted by global brands, empowering businesses to orchestrate personalized customer journeys effectively.



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