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Sri Lanka to host yarn and fabric show in March

Colombo Internation Yarn and Fabric Show (CIFS) will be held in Sri Lanka from March 10 to 12, 2016. The event will showcase products from the apparel and clothing, textile, fabrics and yarns, home furnishings and home textiles and business services industries. Textiles include suitings, shirtings, dress fabrics, made-up items and yarns of different varieties.

This will be a platform for factory professionals, manufacturers, exporters, importers and traders, trading companies, export houses, chambers and associations. About 200 exhibitors are expected. As Sri Lanka is a garment making hub in the Asean region, participation in the fair offers companies an opportunity to take full advantage of the growing Sri Lankan market in textiles and clothing.

The show will focus on visitors from the textile and garment area of Sri Lanka, a sector which accounts for over 70 per cent of the foreign exchange earnings of the country. Major investments in the textile and garment sectors are happening in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka imports 80 per cent of the yarn and fabric inputs needed for the apparel industry. At one time India was Lanka’s biggest supplier of cotton yarns and fabrics. Lanka’s textile and apparel sector exports mainly finished goods like garments.


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