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SAC out with updated version of Higg Index

The updated version of the Higg Index was recently unveiled by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) which is a trade association comprising of brands, retailers, manufacturers, government and non-governmental organizations and academic experts. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition is committed towards improving the Higg Index and the updated version reflects its effort in development. The updated Index has expanded its covering with the addition of modules enabled to assess labor and social impacts for brands and manufacturers. A footwear module has been added for the very first time that permits footwear facility assessment. The Index has also improved on sustainability content considering chemical impacts by improving facility and brand assessments.

The Higg Index was launched in 2012 with an aim to measure the comprehensive environmental and social impacts of apparel and footwear products, and since then has allowed more than 100 companies to identify opportunities to reduce impacts and improve long-term sustainability. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition, represents more than one-third of the global apparel and footwear industries and was formed by sustainability leaders and leading environmental and social organizations to address current social and environmental challenges.


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