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International Abit Congress 2024 to be held next November in Bahia


The forthcoming International Abit Congress, scheduled for November 2024, will take place in Salvador, Bahia. The previous edition, held from November 8-9, 2023, at the Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (Fiesc), attracted over 400 attendees. The Congress delved into the significance of fostering new collaborations to enhance competitiveness within the industry.

Themed 'Networks, Connections, and Boundaries,' the event focused on diverse strategies essential for the industry network's growth. Topics included discussions on the 'future of retail,' 'emerging technologies,' and 'ESG initiatives.'

Cem Allan, President of IAF, led the opening panel discussion, outlining plans for the sector and delivering a lecture on the theme 'Market: From Boundaries to Bridges.' This session featured insights from Henry Costa, Director at Renner, and Tiago Inácio Peixoto, CEO of Cataguases.

The first day concluded with the launch of the Fashion and Climate Guide, a collaborative initiative between Abit, ABVTEX, and SENAI CETIQT, aimed at decarbonizing the textile and apparel industry.

The second day commenced with a lecture by Luiz Alberto Marinho, Managing Partner at Gouvêa Malls, discussing the consumer at Omniera. The closing lecture, emphasizing the shared responsibility of sustainable practices in the industry, was delivered by Rachel Maia, CEO of RM Consulting.



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