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Texhibition Istanbul fair gears up for fifth edition


Texhibition Istanbul, the renowned fabric and textile accessories fair, is set to unveil its fifth edition from March 6 to 8, 2024. Organized by İTKİB Fuarcılık A.Ş. in collaboration with the Istanbul Textile Exporters Association (İTHİB), the event anticipates hosting 558 exhibitors and welcoming over 30,000 visitors from across 100 countries, spanning the European Union, Great Britain, the USA, North Africa, and the Middle East. Notably, this edition of Texhibition boasts a significant expansion, doubling its space to 35,000 square meters compared to its previous iteration.

Texhibition Istanbul continues its tradition of serving as a pivotal platform for the global textile industry, showcasing a comprehensive array of products ranging from woven fabrics to knitwear, denim to artificial leather, and textile accessories. With a keen emphasis on quality, innovation, and the latest trends, Texhibition Istanbul caters to the diverse needs of industry stakeholders.

Responding to burgeoning demand, the fair has extended its reach to five halls, including the introduction of the Yarn Hall (Hall 8) and the BlueBlack Denim Hall (Hall 7). The latter, curated by acclaimed designer Idil Tarzi alongside creative directors Gönül Altunisik and Selvi Yigci, offers a glimpse into cutting-edge denim trends and innovations from prominent exhibitors.

Texhibition promises an immersive experience with its showcase of innovations, trends, and high-quality products across various segments of the textile industry. From organic and sustainable fabrics to recycled and ecological materials, the fair underscores its commitment to advancing industry standards.

Central to the event are the Texhibition Trend Area in Halls 4 and 5, curated by Idil Tarzi and her team, and the Innovation Hub spearheaded by designers Arzu Kaprol and Filiz Tunca. These segments highlight the latest color trends, materials, accessories, and technological advancements in textile production, offering visitors a unique insight into industry developments.

In addition to the visual spectacle, Texhibition offers a platform for knowledge exchange through seminars and workshops conducted by industry experts. Topics ranging from innovations and production processes to design developments shed light on the evolving landscape of the textile sector.

As the Turkish textile industry continues to flourish, Texhibition Istanbul emerges as a beacon of its success. With Turkey ranking among the top textile-producing nations globally, the fair underscores the country's prowess in delivering high-quality, innovative, and sustainable products to international markets. The event not only promises a diverse range of products but also an inspiring environment where the future of the textile industry takes shape.



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