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National Cotton Council disheartened by court ruling on dicamba products


Arizona Federal court's ruling on dicamba products sparks dismay from the National Cotton Council, as it strips the label for over-the-top use, disrupting 75 per cent of U.S. cotton acres. The timing compounds the issue, hitting producers who've already committed to cropping decisions and preparations. 

With no time to adopt alternative herbicide technology for 2024 planting, millions of acres face compromised production, worsening an already strained economic climate with prices falling below production costs.

Calling for an immediate EPA appeal, the Council emphasizes the ruling's potential to hinder technological progress and environmental gains, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Urging swift action, they implore the EPA to explore every avenue to mitigate the looming economic fallout, underscoring the critical role dicamba products play in crop protection.

In the backdrop of agricultural uncertainty, the ruling's ramifications echo beyond the Cotton Belt, highlighting broader concerns about regulatory disruptions impacting industry stability and technological innovation.



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