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Lenzing sheds stake in EQUI-Fibres

The Lenzing Group, a global supplier of high-quality, botanic cellulose fibres to the global textile and nonwovens industry, has reduced its equity stake in EQUI-Fibres Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, Kelheim from 45 to 20 per cent. EQUI-Fibres is the parent company of Kelheim Fibres GmbH that manufactures viscose fibres at its plant in Kelheim, Germany.

EQUI-Fibres reported a total revenue of €162 million in 2015. The transaction represents the next logical step in the Lenzing Group’s implementation of its sCore TEN strategy. The buyer is a company represented by its managing directors Peter Untersperger and Gerald Schmidsberger. Untersperger is a known name and very familiar with both EQUI-Fibres and the fibre industry.

On the basis of this transaction, the financial result of the Lenzing Group for the current financial year is expected to increase by about €10-15 million. The payment of the stipulated purchase price is to take place starting in 2017.


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