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India’s cotton output to remain at 294.10 bales in 2023-24 season: CAI


Affirming its projections, the Cotton Association of India (CAI) in January 2024, maintains India's cotton output cotton output at 294.10 lakh bales of 170 kg and domestic consumption at 311 lakh bales for the 2023-24 cotton season. 

This signals a potential decline in India's cotton production from the 318.90 lakh bales recorded in the previous 2022-23 season.

CAI states,  India's total cotton supply in 2023-24 would amount to 345 lakh bales, comprising 28.90 lakh bales of opening stock and 22 lakh bales of imports. This represents an increase in opening stock and imports compared to the previous season. Total cotton availability may decrease to 345 lakh bales in the current season from 355.40 lakh bales in the previous season.

The organisation upholds domestic demand at 311 lakh bales. This mirrors the previous season's projection, with mill consumption, Small Scale Industries (SSI) consumption, and non-mill consumption estimated at 280 lakh bales, 15 lakh bales, and 16 lakh bales, respectively, as forecasted in December 2024.

In January 2024, the available surplus of cotton remained steady at 34 lakh bales, aligning with the December 2023 estimate but marking a decrease from the previous season's surplus of 44.40 lakh bales. India's cotton export is anticipated to decline to 14 lakh bales from 15.50 lakh bales. Additionally, the projected closing stock at the end of the current season in September 2024 is 20 lakh bales, down from 28.90 lakh bales in the previous year.

CAI also maintains the cotton output projection for the north region at 42 lakh bales, distributed as follows: Punjab 4.50 lakh bales, Haryana 15 lakh bales, upper Rajasthan 11 lakh bales, and lower Rajasthan 11.50 lakh bales. In the central region, the output is forecasted at 179.60 lakh bales, with Gujarat at 85 lakh bales, Maharashtra at 76.70 lakh bales, and Madhya Pradesh at 18 lakh bales. Meanwhile, the southern region is expected to produce 67.50 lakh bales, with Telangana at 30 lakh bales, Andhra Pradesh at 12.50 lakh bales, Karnataka at 18.50 lakh bales, and Tamil Nadu at 6.50 lakh bales. 

Most of the cotton-producing states in the country are estimated to experience lower production levels.



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