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SFU study proposes new sustainability measures in fashion


A recent research from Simon Fraser University (SFU) recommends enhancing the sustainability of the current fashion industry. Co-authored by Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky, Professor of Marketing at SFU, along with Yunzhijun Yu, a Ph.D. student at SFU, and Claudia Lizzette Gomez Borquez, a Visiting Ph.D. student, the report delves into the environmental impact of fast fashion. It advocates for consumers to choose sustainable alternatives, highlighting that fast fashion negatively affects the planet not only through overproduction but also in terms of disposal. Zaichkowsky notes that textile dyes from clothing contribute to water pollution, impacting the health of consumers, particularly in countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

The fashion industry discarded over 11.3 million tons of clothing in 2018, significantly polluting Vietnam's water systems and causing 80 per cent of total illnesses in the country, adds Zaichkowsky. To address this issue, Zaichkowsky suggests consumers try on clothes before purchasing and limit their color choices to reduce clothing waste. Additionally, he advises against buying clothes online as it hinders the ability to assess fit and suitability.



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