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Cotton consumption to outpace production in 2018-19

"According to the July edition of Cotton, If trends hold, consumption will outpace production by 1 million tonne in 2018/19, with projected totals of 26.7 million tonne and 25.7 million tonne, respectively."


Cotton consumption to outpace production in 2018 19According to the July edition of Cotton, If trends hold, consumption will outpace production by 1 million tonne in 2018/19, with projected totals of 26.7 million tonne and 25.7 million tonne, respectively.

Major producers including the USA, Pakistan and Australia suffered production losses Cotton consumption to production in 2018 19due to poor weather conditions and lack of available water, but Turkey and Brazil both posted positive totals in 2018/19, with Brazil setting a record-high production of 2.7 million tonne.

The 2018/19 projected ending stocks of 17.8 million tonne are expected to expand to 18.7 million tonne by the end of next season, with stocks outside of China reaching an all-time high of 10.5 million tonne.

If consumption increases in 2019/20, it likely will come from the emerging economies in Asia and Southeast Asia.


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