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Azerbaijani Cotton Fiber Exports to Turkmenistan


Azerbaijani companies have begun exporting cotton fibers to Turkmenistan, according to a report by Azernews. The Economic Zone Development Agency (EZDA) has been actively working to boost the production and export of competitive non-oil products, expand the processing industry, and establish new processing enterprises in Azerbaijan.

Textile Industry Development

Efforts are being made in the Mingachevir Industrial Park, in collaboration with Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, to develop the textile industry and create new production areas. Azerbaijan's cooperation with Central Asian countries in cotton cultivation is entering a new stage, and the establishment of cotton-growing clusters in Azerbaijan, in collaboration with Uzbekistan, is underway.

Exporting Cotton Fiber to Turkmenistan

Azerbaijani cotton producers, including MKT IK, Azerpambig, and P-Agro companies, have initiated the export of cotton fiber to Turkmenistan. Initially, 30,000 tons of cotton fiber will be shipped from Baku International Sea Trade Port to Turkmenistan by sea.

Expanding Economic Cooperation

In addition to cotton fiber, Azerbaijan aims to export other products derived from cotton processing to Turkmenistan, fostering the development of economic cooperation between the two countries, including logistics and trade relations.

Diversifying Export Markets

Previously, Azerbaijan has exported cotton fiber to various countries, including Turkey, Russia, Iran, Belarus, Bangladesh, Switzerland, and more. The expansion of cotton fiber exports to Turkmenistan adds to the diversification of Azerbaijan's export markets and enhances economic ties between the two nations.


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