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Surging garment imports from Bangladesh, a cause of concern for India


Bangladesh’s garment exports to India surges significantly to over 61 % to $753 million during the first eight months of the current fiscal year of Bangladesh. The surge in imports to India has been attributed to the high-quality and affordable clothing produced in Bangladesh, which is in high demand in India.

In the past, India has expressed concerns over the surging imports of garments from Bangladesh. The Indian government has voiced its concern over the growing trend of imports from Bangladesh, which has put the domestic garment manufacturing industry at risk.

The Indian garment industry is one of the country's largest employers, and the rise in imports has led to a decline in domestic production, leading to job losses and decreased revenues.

The Indian government has urged the industry to improve its competitiveness and quality to better compete with the imports from Bangladesh. At the same time, efforts are underway to strengthen the domestic industry, such as providing incentives to textile manufacturers and streamlining regulations to reduce the cost of doing business.

Despite these measures, it is likely that we will see further growth in imports from Bangladesh to India in the future, as both countries continue to work together to enhance trade ties.

The rising imports from Bangladesh are a challenge for the Indian garment industry, but with the right policies and strategies, it can remain competitive and thrive in the face of this new competition.


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