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Leading brands eye Kenya for apparel sourcing

Global brands including Arrow, Calvin Klein, H&M, Izod, Cherokee and VF Corporation are increasingly eyeing Kenya to source their apparel as the garment and textile sector rebounds after many years of decline. The Tailors and Textile Workers Union is organising workers and winning good agreements in this growing industry.

The government of Kenya’s Vision 2030 identifies the garment and textile sector as a driver of industrialisation. Currently the sector contributes to 7 per cent of the country’s export earnings. The sector can benefit by expanding its market to free trade areas that it belongs to, including the African Continental Free Trade Area, the East African Community, and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. The country has also signed Economic Partnership Agreements, the European Union African Caribbean and Pacific (Cotonou Agreement) and the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). About 92 per cent of apparel from Kenya is sold in the US under AGOA.



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