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Jobs vanish in US textile industry

Textile production in the United States is struggling to recover. The value of textile production was down one per cent in 2015 from a year earlier. Textile production represents only around 1.2 per cent of total US manufacturing shipments.

There were 2000 fewer textile manufacturing facilities in 2014 than in 2004.Over the past decade more than 2,00,000 textile manufacturing jobs have been lost due to automation.

Over the last few decades, textile employment in the US declined the most during economic downturns, but has failed to increase after economic recovery. In 2015, textile manufacturers added more than 1,100 jobs over the previous year, the first significant employment gain in nearly 20 years. However, due to automation, consolidation, and import competition, the industry is still struggling to see sustainable growth.

Over the last few decades, textile employment in the US declined the most during economic downturns, but has failed to increase after economic recovery. The overall employment in the US textile industry is expected to shrink to around 1,74,000 by 2024. The number of textile mills in the US is 25 per cent lower than in 2007.

The US is one of the world’s largest textile and apparel markets.


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