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Digital signatures mandatory for textile units in India

Textile units in India have to use digital signatures for submitting Unique Identification Number (UID) applications and for making Joint Inspection Team verification (JIT) requests. The lending agency will fill in details of term loan information in i-TUFS and upload the final sanction order with the digital signature of the authorized signatory of the lending agency.

The lending agency will also verify the application against loan documents available with them and upload the copy of the final loan sanction order and sign off the verification with the digital signature of the authorized official of the lending agency.

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) is a scheme aimed at creating a modern and vibrant textile industry in India. Under the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS), there is a provision for a one-time capital subsidy for eligible benchmarked machinery at the rate of 15 per cent for garmenting and technical textiles segments with a cap of Rs 30 crores and at a rate of ten per cent for weaving, processing, jute, silk and handloom segments with a cap of Rs 20 crores.

Beneficiary units and lending agencies have been asked to make the necessary arrangements so that they can apply with digital signatures, on or before August 30, 2018.


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